How to 3D print fabric like lamp shade
Posted by GO-3D PRINT on May 7th 2018
This is an example the way to print fabric like texture. It
looks good and really like fabric and the most important point is this is
printed by single extruder/nozzle with 4 different colors filaments. We print
it using original Big Builder with 0.8mm nozzle in 1 shell only and the lamp
shade very strong that's much better than use 0.4mm with 2 shells. This also
save half time comparing using 0.4mm nozzle. The secret of the color change is
using PALETTE+ from Mosaic Manufacturing that help you to build your own
colorful "rainbow" filament adding whatever color you like. Though
it's only can insert 4 types of filaments in the same time but you can change
filament anytime and add new colors. Chroma, the free program by Mosaic
Manufacturing, that help you to set the ratio of the filaments you want to mix
or random by the computer as well as the Gradient function. The design also
help you to keep your printer running without stopping and automatic to switch
to the different spool of filament, that really help us to finish each spool
and go to the new spool. 

PALETTE+ from Mosaic Manufacturing
Zuzanna Lamp model