The world’0Is smallest working power drill created with 3D Printer
Mar 28th 2015
The world’0Is smallest working power drill created with 3D Printer
March 25th, 2015 byrPAllison Blackburn
The world’0Is smallest working power drill has been created by a man in New Zealand but don’0It expect the drill to make a hole in anything other than a layer of skin or tissue paper. Lance Abernethy made the drill using his 3D printer.
[Image Courtesy of Lance Abernethy]
He started by using his computer to create a model of the small drill with software called Onshape 3D. He designed the small drill based on his own full sized power drill, using it as reference. Then he went ahead and printed out the drill in two halves and then printed out the chuck for the drill. The whole process took him no longer than half hour to complete.
[Image Courtesy of Lance Abernethy]
Inserting the motor for the power drill took him a lot longer thanks to the space inside the drill being so tiny. Along with the motor he had to put in place the power button along with a battery from a hearing aid and wires that he had taken from a headphone cable.
[Image Courtesy of Lance Abernethy]
His finished what is thought to be the world’0Is smallest working power drill, but at the moment this hasn’0It been confirmed. The power drills measurements are 17 x 7.5 x 13 mm with the drill making use of a bit that is just 0.5mm. There are other drills apparently that have been claimed to be the world’0Is smallest, however Abernethy said that his drill is smaller than any other he has been able to find. Now he is planning to go back to the drawing board and try to make a power drill that is even smaller than this one!
[Image Courtesy of Lance Abernethy]