
Bread Proofing Baskets

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These are the printable versions of the original wicker baskets for bread proofing.

The uploaded models are 4 different shapes commonly used for baking the country style or European style bread which has the signature ring pattern on its surface. These proofing baskets really give your homemade bread an even more professional looking finish!
Dimensions: X,Y,Z mm
  • Round: 170 x 170 x 66 Oval: 118 x 180 x 62 Triangle: 164 x 177 x 69 Hemisphere: 184 x 184 x 70

  • Print with the filament you trust.
  • Store the baskets in a dry and well-ventilated area.
  • The higher the printing resolution the better. It will help with the curved surfaces especially the top part of the bottom loops. If you want high res but don't want them to take too long to print, you can set up the variable layer height with Slic3r so only the top part of the bottom loops are printed in higher res.
  • The surface layer lines of the plastic printed ones look very much like the ones made with dried vine. As you can see from the pictures above, the baskets do give the proofed bread a very nice and visible pattern on the surface. However, the plastic ones are not as porous and are easier for moisture to collect on the surface. Be sure to keep them dry.
  • You can scale the baskets up or down to fit your preferred dimensions.
  • Heavily dust the baskets with flour before putting in the dough to prevent from sticking and to help with making the pattern. If you want even more obvious looking patterns, grab a handful of dry flour and smudge it over the shaped dough before you putting it in the baskets. Put the tight surface of your worked dough facing down.
  • To clean the baskets just use brushes to brush off the excess flour. Clean them with water ( not hot ) and soap only when they are getting gunky. Dry them well as soon as possible and store them in a well-ventilated area.
Happy baking!