
Configurable 40mm fan duct / mount for Wade's extruder

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This is a complete redesign of thing #154834 by WeSo (Juan Diego), an adjustable 40mm fan duct / mount for Wade's extruder (but can also be used with any Bowden or direct drive extruder). I kept all the parts compatible/exchangeable with the previous (already good) design. All the parts have been slightly improved (nut traps, reinforcements, better fit and less useless material) and the fan duct itself is a more rounded design with slightly better airflow, but most importantly I wrote from scratch the OpenSCAD source code for all the parts and licensed the code under GPLV3, so it can be edited/modified to taste. The (optional) nice fan guard in the pictures is thing #516392. The eighth picture shows the result of my first ever attempt, without any specific calibration, at printing the infamous bridge torture test (thing #12925) by triffid_hunter. The nineth picture shows the original fan assembly interfering with the X-axis idler, this is solved by adding a pivot joint which also allows more flexible orientation and positioning of the fan duct (see the last two pictures). As of 25-04-2015, you can choose from 5 different layer fan ducts and one E3D cooler fan duct: 1 - The original fan duct by WeSo. 2 - My rounder V1 design with improved airflow. 3 - My V2 version, more curved and with a narrower beak than V1. 4 - My V3 version, easier to print with 1.2mm thick walls, and slightly shorter than V2. 5 - Spinorkit's awesome E3D V6 compatible layer fan duct. 6 - An E3D cooler fan duct. Configurable 40mm fan duct / mount for Wade's extruder by AndrewBCN is licensed under the GNU - GPL license.