
Pasta Cutter

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-Fully 3D printable pasta cutter ! -Only 2 parts to print; no screws, no nuts/bolts, no extra material. Print the parts and slide the handle into the wheel. It's that simple! This is a v1.0. I will try to improve it further. Maybe I will make more wheels with different types of zig zags.

  • Print the 2 parts.
  • Slide the handle into the wheel.
It's that simple! No screws/nuts/bolts or other material needed. I even tried printing the wheel without any support. It turned out fine other than being a little rough around the bottom half at the overhanging area of the pasta wheel. But it still looks great and works fine. Enjoy! Happy cooking! Pasta Cutter by MEH4d is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license.